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Maddie and Mabel

From classics like Little Women to Ramona and Beezus, the relationship between sisters has always been explored and celebrated in children’s literature. Maddie and Mabel (Kind World Publishing) is no exception. Kari Allen weaves together scenes of sisterly love, conversations, arguments and playtime to portray a pair of siblings that kids can easily see themselves reflected in.

Maddie, the eldest, enjoys being in charge. She is always looking for ways to be more independent and mature. This includes finding ways to include her little sister Mabel in her daily routine. Mabel looks up to her sister immensely. She is curious and eager to help and is constantly asking Maddie questions.

Maddie is sometimes annoyed by her little sister, but generally enjoys Mabel’s interest in her thoughts and opinions, and is always ready to offer her honest and earnest answers. Maddie also struggles sometimes to find ways that Mabel can contribute to their activities. Helping younger siblings find ways to participate is an incredibly valuable and difficult skill for older siblings to learn.

Allen’s writing is simple and accessible enough for pre-school children as young as Mabel, but the thoughts behind the writing can be complex and should be good entryways for discussion about how we think and speak to others, and how we put our feelings into words.

Maddie and Mabel have a story that they tell often, about how before Mabel was born, Maddie was asked if she would rather have a pet rabbit or a little sister, and she chose the rabbit. However, she got the little sister, and now of course wouldn’t trade her for anything.


The colored pencil illustrations by Tatiana Mai-Wyss add a warm and organic handmade touch, with muted but comforting colors. Additionally, Mai-Wyss layers multiple illustrations on each spread, all centered on the characters’ actions, making sure the story never leaves our two protagonists while keeping the pages interesting for young readers following along.

At the end of the story, Allen includes an appendix encouraging children to apply the themes of the story to their own lives. Maddie and Mabel sometimes disagree, and this book offers helpful examples for managing conflict and building meaningful relationships.

Sisters are not always meant to get along, but sisterhood provides innumerable opportunities to learn important communication skills. Working together, apologizing and asking for help are just a few of the skills that Maddie and Mabel work on together. They truly enjoy spending time together and no doubt will endear themselves in the hearts and minds of all the children, especially sisters, who read this adorable book.


Check out Kari Allen’s author profile here.

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Maddie and Mabel by
Genre: Children’s Books
Publisher: Maddie and Mabel
ISBN: 9781638940030
Julianna Goldfluss

Originally from Stamford, CT, Julianna Goldfluss graduated from Connecticut College with a major in Theater and a minor in Music. She continued her studies at the Lee Strasberg Institute. Currently, she lives in Brooklyn, NY. She always has loved children’s literature and is excited to be writing about it! Other hobbies include knitting, skating, word games and talking.

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