One of the greatest gifts of the human experience is our connection with others. But oftentimes, these relationships are difficult to fully embrace without an understanding of ourselves. And who knows us better than our Creator? By embracing God’s love for us, we are able to gain the fundamental tools to love ourselves and form deep bonds with other people. These 5 books based on Christian values will help you improve relationships in every part of your life.

The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman
The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman (Northfield Publishing)
Most people have heard of the five love languages in conversations with friends, in their dating life, or even while taking online quizzes. But did you know they came from this book? Gary Chapman has laid out the different ways that people give and receive love. His analysis goes beyond romantic relationships to cover familial, parental and leadership dynamics. Chapman’s advice teaches readers how to keep their relationships fresh and healthy.
Interspersed with relevant quotes from scripture, The Five Love Languages looks at relationships from a traditional Christian perspective. It inspires readers to be introspective about their love languages and question what they need from their partner, as well as what they have to offer.

God’s Gift (Woman) by Freddie Floyd Jr
God’s Gift (Woman) by Freddie Floyd Jr. (Covenant Books)
Floyd emphasizes the importance of a healthy relationship with God in learning to understand ourselves. He particularly helps readers understand the value that God placed on women. He explains why it’s so important for women in some instances to “unlearn” many of the things that society has shown them about their purpose.
This short, straightforward guidebook helps readers who are looking to connect with God. It gives them the tools to improve themselves and their relationships. Floyd focuses on internal struggles and the importance of mindset. How women treat themselves often sets the standard for how others will treat them. This will lead to gratifying relationships filled with mutual respect.
(Read BookTrib’s review here.)

A Love Worth Giving: Living in the Overflow of God's Love by Max Lucado
A Love Worth Giving: Living in the Overflow of God’s Love by Max Lucado (W. Publishing Group)
When it feels hard to love, forgive, and have patience with yourself and others, there is a solution. By receiving and accepting God’s love, you will have an abundance of love to share with others. Lucado shares Bible passages and brings them to life in descriptive and tangible ways.
This accessible book is perfect for readers of any age. The advice Lucado offers can easily and instantly be applied to everyday life. A Love Worth Giving is both uplifting and educational, teaching readers how to strengthen their relationships with friends, neighbors and family when the odds feel stacked against them.
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_Reclaiming Real Friendship in a Culture of Confusion by Kelly Needham
Friend-Ish: Reclaiming Real Friendship in a Culture of Confusion by Kelly Needham (Thomas Nelson)
True, honest and lasting friendships are often hard to find. Kelly Needham redefines friendship through a Biblical perspective, dismissing our society’s shallow view of connection. By focusing on the friendship we have with God, we can understand our capacity for secure, stable and life-long friendships.
With a look at Scripture’s interpretation of friendship, we can redefine the connections that are vital in the highs and lows of life. Written primarily for women, this helpful book gives examples of toxic friendships and the lessons that can be learned from them. Finding friends that share Christian beliefs and a commitment to common goals is second only to a friendship with God.

f God is Love, Don’t Be A Jerk: Finding a Faith That Makes Us Better Humans by John Pavlovitz
If God is Love, Don’t Be A Jerk: Finding a Faith That Makes Us Better Humans by John Pavlovitz (Westminster John Knox)
Pavlovitz looks at our relationship with the greater world, and how Christianity interacts with it. He argues that the way we treat others is the most tangible and meaningful expression of religion, and urges us to self-reflect on whether love is at the center of our beliefs, actions and identity.
He explores how we can embody a “kinder kind of spirituality” and humbly examine our belief system to understand how it might compel us to act in less-than-loving ways toward others. By focusing first on the message of God’s love, readers will recognize the importance of equity, justice and healing and their benefits in the greater world.
(Read BookTrib’s review here.)