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Murder at the CDC

Brimming with action and terrifying suspense, Murder at the CDC (Forge Books) takes a hard look at a divided nation and examines the consequences when rhetoric and lies spiral out of control.

This 32nd installment of Margaret Truman’s Capital Crimes series is the second penned by veteran thriller author Jon Land; it solidifies him as “the right man for the job” in taking the series forward. He stays true to the long-established character threads while introducing new blood and deepening the voices of Robert Brixton and Truman’s other heroes.


The near-death of Brixton’s grandson during a mass shooting on the Capitol steps draws him into an investigation. And a link with his friend Mac’s newfound daughter and her work at the CDC opens his eyes to the greater looming threat. Brixton’s investigation unfolds in parallel with Kelly Loftus, a new character and member of the Capitol Police whose uncompromising ethics and struggles with authority make her a kindred spirit. The merging of the trails they follow unearths a missing chemical weapons transport, and solving the mystery of how and where the transport disappeared may be all that stands between life and death for millions.

Over the course of several series, Jon Land has proven his ability to weave action and description together with investigation and characterization. Fans of the Capital Crimes series will not be disappointed by the fast pace and deep development of this latest offering. But in this case, it is the characterization — both the development of the voices and the snapshot of the nation as a whole — that stands out. The strength of Land’s characters has always come from his observation of human interaction and his ability to recreate it on the page. He never shies away from digging deep into the motivations of his heroes and villains, no matter what he might reveal. What he reveals in Murder at the CDC is troubling indeed. From his writer’s desk, he holds up a mirror and shows us a reflection of America that is growing increasingly ugly.


Maniacal villains with warped perspectives of society are a staple of the thriller genre. So the idea that Frank Wilhyte, the mastermind of this tale, believes that a large portion of America would happily see millions of their fellow Americans killed is not surprising. The fact that the heroes of this story unanimously agree with him is. What a terrifying place for the psychopath and the wise saviors of the story to find common ground. And the underlying threads support the conclusion. With a devastating toll on the young characters — perhaps the future of our society — and a well-developed subplot involving Wilhyte and his son, the story declares that some actions and words have irrevocable and tragic consequences. It is a stark warning.

Murder at the CDC is an entertaining thriller with all the clues to solve and heart-thumping action Margaret Truman fans demand and deserve. But it is also a snapshot in time — our present time. It is the reality of the extremes of our current perceptions presented in fiction. Murder at the CDC presents the idea that a significant portion of our population wants to see those who disagree with them killed and implies an equal perception on the other side. And both the death and corruption of the young and innocent offer little hope for a way out. Many books have been written and will be written about how we got here. With Murder at the CDC, Jon Land slams down the gauntlet that says, “We are here. Now what?”


Genre: Crime, Fiction, Politics, Suspense, Thrillers
Publisher: Forge Books
ISBN: 9781250238890
James R. Hannibal

As a former stealth pilot, James R. Hannibal is no stranger to secrets and adventure. He has been shot at, locked up with surface to air missiles, and chased down a winding German road by an armed terrorist. He is an award-winning author of multiple series, including the Nick Baron covert ops trilogy from Penguin, the Section 13 children’s fantasy mysteries (now under development by Columbia Pictures), and a new CIA series on the way from Revel for 2019. Visit his website for more information.

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