The Truth About Thea by Amy Impellizzeri
At BookTrib, we are constantly searching for the best ways to connect readers with writers, opening their eyes and worlds to fresh ideas! This is how we came across a wonderful group known as the Tall Poppies, who are not only avid readers, but extremely talented writers as well! This week we gain some insight on Amy Impellizzeri’s novel The Truth About Thea.
The Truth About Thea by Amy Impellizzeri is a page-turner that’s innovative, current, and thoughtfully rendered.
When entrepreneur Thea is diagnosed with a pathological addiction to creating fake social media identities for her clients, she begins a court-mandated program of treatment with therapist Will Cann. Ordinarily, this is when things would begin to get better. But there is nothing ordinary about Thea. Or Will. Through a series of anonymous support meetings, Thea begins to understand the devastating truth of Will’s past and the impact Thea has on him will change things forever.
In this intricately woven and suspenseful tale, every character is believable, until Impellizzeri turns each one upside down to shake out questionable motives, long-held secrets, and mistaken identities, forcing you (in a good way) to think about everything you’ve read. That’s when you realize that while this is a carefully woven and deliberate story, it’s not cumbersome, because it all makes sense. That’s a tribute to Impellizzeri’s skill in handling a complex storyline, and her dedication to bringing a compulsively readable novel to her fans.