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BookTrib Giveaway: A Witch’s Race to Stuff a Demonic Genie Back Into the Bottle *U.S. Entries Only* PGEgY2xhc3M9InJjcHRyIiBocmVmPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnJhZmZsZWNvcHRlci5jb20vcmFmbC9kaXNwbGF5LzkzNjE0NTg0NDY3LyIgcmVsPSJub2ZvbGxvdyIgZGF0YS1yYWZsaWQ9IjkzNjE0NTg0NDY3IiBkYXRhLXRoZW1lPSJjbGFzc2ljIiBkYXRhLXRlbXBsYXRlPSI1YzAwODg5MjQ3MmJkODVhMGIxMTRhODUiIGlkPSJyY3dpZGdldF9zbzBrMnNncyI+YSBSYWZmbGVjb3B0ZXIgZ2l2ZWF3YXk8L2E+CjxzY3JpcHQgc3JjPSJodHRwczovL3dpZGdldC1wcmltZS5yYWZmbGVjb3B0ZXIuY29tL2xhdW5jaC5qcyI+PC9zY3JpcHQ+ “This is a scorcher of a story...and while it explores themes of magic, revenge, and survival, it brims with realism and humanity.” —The Book Commentary “A brisk, enjoyable supernatural tale of black magic and powerful spells.” —Kirkus Reviews —∞— A psychologist uses witchcraft to treat an abused…
May 26, 2022

Dark Magic Threatens a Midwestern Town in “Black Oak”

In Titus Murphy’s debut novel, Black Oak (Cosby Media Productions), something dark is lurking in the woods of Wichita, Kansas. This quaint Midwestern town has seen more than its fair share of bloodshed in recent years. But unbeknownst to the townsfolk, that violence was just the beginning. Something bigger is…
November 30, 2020

Epic Fantasy “The 19th Bladesman:” A Fresh Dark World

Love, betrayal, duty and responsibility form the hallmark of The 19th Bladesman (Dark Blade Publishing), an epic fantasy by S. J. Hartland. The first in the Shadow Sword series (the next two coming later this year), The 19th Bladesman introduces us to Telor, a land ruled by kings, queens, the…
Krista Beggan
February 5, 2019

Brimming With Political Tension, “The Sun Collective” Is an Eerily Relevant Supernatural Thriller Like a skilled magician, Charles Baxter, author of The Soul Thief, messes with reality just enough to transport the reader into an ominous fog of "tomorrow-plus-today” — Baxter’s shorthand for interwoven timelines. In his supernatural thriller, The Sun Collective (Pantheon), a cultist new age movement has taken root in…