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Psychological Thrillers


High Crimes in High Society in Shepard’s “Reputation”

In some murder mysteries, we struggle to figure out who the killer is because everybody’s alibi seems so darn plausible — we keep looking for holes. But in Sara Shepard’s newest novel Reputation (Dutton), nobody’s story rings true.  Even Kit, the character who pretty much launches the whole plot, begins…
Sherri Daley
December 2, 2019

Peter Swanson on What Makes a Heart Pounding Thriller

There are good psychological thrillers, and then there are great psychological thrillers - the ones that leave your heart pounding, and your breathing just a touch too fast. While sometimes it can be hard to sort between the two, now you don't have to: Peter Swanson, author of Her Every Fear has…
April 3, 2018

The Hype About New Psycho Thriller And Its Debut Author

It's one of the most talked about books, included on every list of recommendations, no matter what the occasion. Tangerine, the psychological thriller by debut author Christine Mangan, is not only beautifully written prose, but electric in imagery. Taking place in Tangier, Morocco, in the 1950s, the novel is vivid and full…