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Comedy Queen Makes Russian Classics Relatable

Viv Groskop is widely known as a famed comedian and broadcaster. This time though, Groskop applies her sharp wit and pen to a medium entirely different from a comedy sketch or news article. Groskop has been gaining deserved acclaim from Spectator, The Times, and Observer for her new book, The…
Rebecca Proulx
October 23, 2018
FictionListiclesListicles - FeaturedNonfiction

Remembering the “Good Stories” and Autobiographical Fiction of Dame Hilary Mantel

On September 22nd, 2022, award-winning author Hilary Mantel passed away suddenly at the age of 70. Fans and fellow writers alike have shared their favorite books by Mantel, including her Wolf Hall trilogy, as well as her other achievements. Mantel's publisher, 4th Estate Books, owned by HarperCollins, stated, "Hilary Mantel will…
Mckenzie Tozan
September 23, 2022