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french historical fiction


The Scent of Reincarnation

The Collector of Dying Breaths (Atria, April) is the follow-up to The Book of Lost Fragrances and Seduction. They all feature Jac (short for Jacinth) L’Etoile, a young woman who is part of a perfume dynasty in France. She was joined in the previous novels by her brother Robbie, her on-and-off…
Barbara Tom
April 8, 2014

Redeeming Josephine: Heather Webb and the Empress of the French

When men write the history, how do women fare? In Josephine Bonaparte’s case, not very well, says author Heather Webb. In researching Becoming Josephine, her novel about the first Empress of the French, Webb read a number of male-generated tales of the Revolution-era femme fatale that she found incredulous—and far…
Sherry Jones
February 9, 2014

Madame Tussaud: The Woman Behind The Wax

Little (Riverhead) is the unusual story of a determined young girl who shapes a better life for herself through masterful wax figures. We recognize Madame Tussaud as the famed wax sculptor, but Edward Carey adds a compelling story that will stay with you as much as her own art. After her father…
Jennifer Blankfein
December 13, 2018

Dickens-Inspired Story Will Turn–Not Sever–Heads

It's the French Revolution. A young woman is in line for the guillotine, and she's the last person to speak to Sydney Carton, also awaiting execution, who she recognizes as an imposter taking the place of someone else. They give each other comfort. Though their interaction is only brief, their…
Janice Lombardo
April 22, 2019