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author interview

Author SpotlightFiction

Ed Surma on the Power of Small Kindnesses

How do you go about writing an adult fable with a positive message for change? With his abstract and haunting The Trees Are Dying, author Ed Surma does just that, penning a tale of faeries, goddesses, and oracles that veils a call to protect the magical land we call planet earth.…
April 26, 2021
Author Discovery Zone

Dr. Rita Ali Dr. Rita Ali Biographical Nonfiction, Memoir Multitalented business professional and now author of Triple Jeopardy: Three Strikes But Not Out. Dr. Rita (AKA) Faridah Ali was born and reared in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She’s had a successful career in public relations as a columnist and media producer. Her unique credentials…
Judy Moreno
April 7, 2021