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Michael E. Gosset, Ed.D.

Michael E. Gosset is a Physical Education professional who is interested in the long-term growth of children. He has been a teacher, a youth and scholastic coach, a high school Athletic Director, and currently teaches and is an administrator at the college level. He was a competitive runner and tennis…
Terry McKyton
November 12, 2022

Abs as Flat as a Book – Hottest Men of 2015!

Last year we treated our readers (and let’s be honest, ourselves) to a little present—the killer abs of the 10 hottest men of 2014. We’ve been pretty guilty of turning up the temperature a bit lately with “Olicity” Watch, Battle ‘Ships (can we blame Rachel Carter for global warming?) and…
BookTrib Nerd Squad
December 22, 2015

Why I Gave My Fitbit Away: A Cautionary Tale

Look, it’s no secret that I’m prone to bouts of unbelievable idiocy. There was the time I decided rock climbing was, “totally the exercise I’ve always been looking for” and wound up on display, stricken with vertigo half-way up a rock wall in a crowded shopping mall. I’d known I…
Joel Higgins
July 6, 2015

Avital Zeisler on turning women into Weapons of Fitness

In the wake of her darkest moment, Avital Zeisler became a living weapon. Through the study of self-defense, she transformed her body and herself, while at the same time conquering fear and reclaiming her life. Now, Zeisler is sharing her methods in her book, Weapons of Fitness: The Woman’s Ultimate…
Michael Ruscoe
June 15, 2015