Michael E. Gosset, Ed.D.

Educator and author of the nonfiction book "The Ultimate Parent Guide to Child & Adolescent Physical Activity: Maintaining Their Emotional and Physical Health"

About Michael E. Gosset, Ed.D.

Michael E. Gosset is a Physical Education professional who is interested in the long-term growth of children. He has been a teacher, a youth and scholastic coach, a high school Athletic Director, and currently teaches and is an administrator at the college level. He was a competitive runner and tennis player, and continues an active lifestyle by swimming and whatever means he can. Check out some of his PE tutorials on his YouTube channel.


The Ultimate Parent Guide to Child & Adolescent Physical Activity: Maintaining Their Emotional and Physical Health (2021)

Lesson Plans for the Elementary Physical Education Teacher: A Developmental Movement Education & Skill-Themes Framework (2019)

Your biggest literary influence:

John Grisham, George Graham

Last book read:

Motor Learning and Control for the Practitioner

Currently working on:

a children’s picture book


Gosset, M. (2019). Elementary physical educators: Take a bite of the skill-themes carrot! Viewpoint column. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 90(9)

Gosset, M., & Silverman, S. (2019). Upper elementary school students’ attitude toward physical education in skill-theme and multi-activity classes. The Physical Educator, 76(5).

Gosset, M. (2018). Teaching sport skills using the skill themes approach. Strategies, 31(1)

Gosset, M. (2016). Should we be teaching sport skills to 5-7 year olds in physical education? Not so fast. Physical Education Matters, 11(1).


From preschool through high school, good points are raised to guide and understand what’s most beneficial to keep your kids physically/emotionally healthy, from a phys ed professional who’s seen things firsthand working with kids throughout his career.
- — BostonFrankG
Great, practical suggestions. I really like the graphics and "option outlines". Well worth the price.
- — Carol Boncelet
Dr. Gosset's Movement Education and Skills Themes framework for teaching physical education, especially at the elementary level, is the most appropriate way physical education should be taught. It involves teaching through progressions and focusing on skills versus focusing on games and competition. Skills themes help the physical educator differentiate lessons better in addition to achieving the national standards. With this approach, students are able to achieve a higher level of success and with this success comes a greater percentage of students wanting to remain physically active throughout their life.
- — Amy Monsegur, Physical Education Teacher, NYC Department of Education