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Redemption by Jayde Wilson-Hickox

What's It About?

“To open eyes that are blind, and free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.” This, Isaiah 42:7, serves as the epigraph for Jayde Wilson-Hickox’s Redemption and captures both the essence of the story that’s about to unfold within its pages as well as the author’s powerful underlying message.

“To open eyes that are blind, and free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.” This, Isaiah 42:7, serves as the epigraph for Jayde Wilson-Hickox’s Redemption and captures both the essence of the story that’s about to unfold within its pages as well as the author’s powerful underlying message.

Chosen for some mysterious purpose, Eva-Rose Walsh has been separated from her loved ones and imprisoned for four years. Still trapped behind bars, the last thing Eva wants is to succumb to the darkness all around her, but the light within her is fading. 

The book opens on Visitation Day of Eva’s third year in prison. Her siblings Allesia and Ezekiel have promised to fight for their sister. Eva’s long been despondent during their visits, but for the first time since her early days here, she smiles, a light peeking through the fog of darkness, a glimmer of hope that their sister hasn’t been lost forever. 


From there, readers witness the horrors of the darkness that overwhelms the prison. Not merely an absence of light, the darkness speaks to Eva and the other prisoners. It’s a shadow that moves and takes on various forms — wild animals and figures behind strange masks. 

As if it weren’t terrifying enough to be held captive in a place consumed by a living darkness, Eva and the other prisoners have been injected with it. Artificially made to endure a host of struggles from physical ailments to psychological mind games, “that was the darkness that lurked beneath all our skins.” With the darkness inflicting its torture on the prisoners both internally and externally, it’s not long before the last vestiges of light have been snuffed out.

When a mysterious stranger breaks in, battles the darkness and helps Eva escape, she can’t help but feel relieved, but who is this man? Can she trust someone whose name she doesn’t even know? As Eva learns more about her purpose and how it fits with this stranger and the world he comes from, she must embrace the light or else the darkness will swallow her.


Wilson-Hickox weaves a tale of the quintessential battle between good and evil, “light” and “darkness” standing in for God and the devil. The imagery will likely feel familiar to most; the story may affirm or invigorate the faith of readers who find themselves struggling with the myriad of challenges life throws their way as Eva wages war against her own demons.

An empowering and inspirational work of Christian Fiction, Redemption assures readers, through Eva’s journey, that it’s never too late to turn away from darkness. That no matter what scars they may bear, no matter what demons they have faced in the past, they are not unwanted: “These cracks you see are more beautiful than any unblemished surface,” Eva is assured. “It shows that life was lived.” 

Wilson-Hickox, whose own faith has kept her strong in times of pain and helped her cope with hardship, communicates her message clearly in this creative work: with God, there is always hope. His children are loved, and those who believe draw immense strength from Him. With God, no one is ever alone, whether they find themselves in darkness or basking in His light.

Redemption is available for purchase here.

About Jayde Wilson-Hickox:

Jayde Wilson-Hickox is the kind of person who goes to a Sunday morning church service four hours after leaving a country line dancing bar. She is the kind of person who bites off more than she can chew, yet through God’s help manages to pull it all off. She is the kind of person who brags about her family to anyone who will listen. She’s the person who dances to a Frank Sinatra song by herself in the kitchen.

A child of God, an old soul and a nomad, Jayde is not only a survivor but a thriver.

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Redemption by Jayde Wilson-Hickox
Genre: Fiction
Author: Jayde Wilson-Hickox
ISBN: 9781792371040
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