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In his philosophical treatise, The Human Condition, author Bob Yari offers a pathway to fulfillment and happiness based on a balanced lifestyle, a positive attitude and gratitude for the world’s abundance.

It is a self-help and self-realization book meant to make people think and experiment with some of the concepts discussed. Ultimately, says the author, a better understanding of the human condition is the key ingredient to achieving happiness. If we can adjust our attitude and our perception of everything that happens to us in life, we can become much happier people.


“My life experience has gotten me to develop a defined ‘philosophy’ of living that has enabled me to be a more content and happier person when faced with adversity, loss, and anxiety,” says Yari. After refining this way of thinking over many years and seeing how it made his life more enjoyable, he wanted to share it with as many people as he could. width=

It is our ability to move past our own propensities and “natural programming” that will allow us to better enjoy our lives, says Yari, who offers intelligent observations and a roadmap to enhance our life’s journey in this highly readable and intellectual work.

Yari takes us inside the human condition and the human mind, discussing all the conceptual drivers that influence one’s quality of life — attitude, gratitude, acceptance, balance and logic, to name a few. He presents a discourse on each, how they affect that human condition, and what readers should consider in order to optimize their connection with them. 

Readers are so easily drawn to the dialogue and insights that they are just as likely to come away with a better “understanding” rather than a specific course of action that preaches “do this” or “do that.” This technique positions Yari not so much as a mentor but rather as a colleague simply sharing the thoughts and ideas that have worked for him personally, providing a safe and comfortable connection to his readers.


 width=“To sit back and analyze how our mind handles information and thought and how we can improve our own mental functioning is an act that requires advanced and forced steps,” he writes. “The first is to step outside ourselves and our immersion in our spectrum of life and to look upon life, ourselves, our functioning, and our purpose objectively.”

Ultimately, says Yari, a better understanding of the human condition is the key ingredient to achieving happiness. In The Human Condition, readers will be challenged to come to this better understanding, often having to contemplate a different awareness of and focus on concepts that have been embedded into their DNA and their thinking.

“If we can adjust our attitude and our perception of everything that happens to us in life, we can become much happier people. We need to start acknowledging what a great gift we hold.”

The Human Condition is sure to inspire readers to open their horizons and release the inherent, and often unused, powers of their own minds to better their lives. Purchase at

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