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For most of us, when we think about the holiday season it evokes a feeling of excitement, anticipation, peacefulness, beauty and more. As the holidays get closer, we often begin to fall into our old patterns that have plagued us for our adult lives. The feelings of needing to buy gifts for everybody, having a ready supply of hostess gifts, dealing with family members, hosting the perfect party and the ever mounting list of expectations.

When overwhelm sets in, it’s time to take a breath and find a remedy for these problems. In your own life, you can make a list of what stressors you are reacting to. On a piece of paper on the left hand side write down everything that bothers you year after year and anything new that is coming up for you this year. On the right hand side of the paper write down a counter action to your problem. Here is what mine would look like:

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Genre: Potpourri

Madisyn Taylor

Co-Founder and Editor-In-Chief of DailyOM . ( . Founded in 2004 DailyOM has close to 2 million subscribers that receive my daily inspiration in their email inbox. My first book was published by Hay House in 2008 called 'DailyOM Inspiration Thoughts for a Happy, Healthy and Fulfilling Day'. This book made it to #3 on Amazon overall!

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