Dear Santa,
It’s been a while since I’ve written to you. Twenty years or so, at least. But I feel like we still have a pretty solid connection, and I’m not gonna lie — I might be in my 30s, but sometimes I still lie awake on Christmas Eve staring at the ceiling and wondering if that scratching sound I hear is actually a reindeer and not just the cat crawling around on the roof.
Since the magic of Christmas is still pretty tied up in you, Santa, I’m finally giving into it this year. With nothing left to lose, here’s my Christmas List. Please don’t be stingy with that wrapping paper.
A Book Boyfriend Come to Life
I get that it might be awkward for you to turn a fictional character into reality and then gift wrap him and shove him down a chimney, but c’mon — you’re Santa! Nothing is outside your wheelhouse, including conjuring up an imaginary boyfriend. And I’m not picky: I’ll gladly take any book boyfriend off my list.
But if I do get to choose, I’m going with If I Stay’s Adam Wilde on this one. He’s hot, confident and a rock star. Plus, he’s clearly the kind of guy who will stick around when the going gets rough and he likes girlfriends with crazy parents. It makes me way less nervous to introduce him to the cacophony of noise that is my family on Christmas morning.
Some Good Books
In lieu of a man, I will gladly take a bunch of new books. Luckily, a ton of my favorite authors have books coming out this year, including Cassandra Clare, author of the amazingly popular Mortal Instruments series. Written in the same world and set five years after City of Heavenly Fire, Lady Midnight tells Emma’s story about being a Shadowhunter in LA. If it’s anywhere near as good as Jace and Clary’s tale, then I cannot wait to get my hands on this book. It’s not officially out until March, so I’m definitely going to need a little Santa-magic to get it under my tree this year.
A Bronze Horseman Movie
Watching Outlander come to life on Starz has restored my faith in books-to-screen adaptations. So now it’s time to tackle my other favorite historical series: The Bronze Horseman, written by Paullina Simons. This book has everything — romance, jealousy, war, starvation. It’s the most epic love story of all time and if it got made into a movie I would DIE OF HAPPINESS. Luckily, it seems like it might be in the making soon. So if you could just speed it along, Santa, I wouldn’t complain. Here’s a fan-made trailer for a little inspiration:
This Awesome Little Women Print
I am too fond of books and it has turned my brain. Which might also explain the whole “needs a book boyfriend to come to life” thing.
See, Santa? It’s not that long of a list. And as long as you don’t wrap Adam up too tightly (give the boy some air-holes!) I think this will definitely be a successful Christmas.