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New Giveaways and Stories from Four AuthorBuzz Authors

Dear Reader, see what this week’s AuthorBuzz authors have to say! In each note you’ll receive invitations to join contests, get free books, bookplates or bookmarks, read personal stories, and more. Dear Reader: Every romance reader loves a bad boy hero. In Last Night with the Duke, Griffin has never…
March 7, 2017

Vietnam Vet Learns What It Means to Be a Hero in an Imperfect World Set in the '60s, Maureen Hogan Lutz’s newest novel, Hero Can I Be, is the fast-paced story of James “Jamie” Vincent Corrigan, “a tall redhead with a hair-trigger temper” whose troubled yet street-smart New York City upbringing by Irish Catholic immigrant parents shapes him into the hero he becomes,…
Anne Eliot Feldman
November 11, 2020

Tall Poppy Review: Loyalties Shift in “Garden of Lies”

In 1943, as the prologue of Garden of Lies (Open Road Media) opens, a young woman named Sylvie succumbs to her first stirrings of true passion—with the handyman, Nikos, instead of her rich, older husband. She soon discovers she’s pregnant. Sylvie prays that the baby is her husband’s, but when the…
Kathryn Craft
December 13, 2018

‘Yonkers Yonkers!’: Patricia Vaccarino’s New Book Explores Racial Tensions and Friendship during Woodstock

Author and PR specialist Patricia Vaccarino's new book, YONKERS Yonkers! A Story of Race and Redemption, is an enriching and beautiful narrative of friendship, breaking social boundaries, and music. In the time of Woodstock, the Vietnam War, the Rolling Stones and more, YONKERS Yonkers! looks at social and racial conventions of a tumultuous and…
Rachel Fogle De Souza
January 24, 2018

Interview with Sam Lightner, Jr., Author of ‘Heavy Green’

Experienced climber Sam Lightner, Jr. talks with BookTrib about his latest book, Heavy Green. Heavy Green focuses on a little known CIA operation that could shift the outcome of the Vietnam War. Expertly researched, Heavy Green is a historical novel that shows a different side of the conflict at the time.…
October 6, 2017