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Justin C. Denton


BookTrib Giveaway: Paradigm-Shifting Reads 180 by Otsilac and Calisto—∞—An unexpected and provocative question drives a 180-minute argument that prompts a central question: Would the term “meritocracy” ever have been invented if society would’ve gleaned the fact that variables beyond our control forge our personhood, paths, and outcomes?The 180 tells the fictional story of…
November 18, 2021
Author Discovery Zone

Justin C. Denton Justin C. Denton Nonfiction, Current Events, Biological Weapons, Military History Investigative journalist, military historian, CBCP and CISSP Justin Denton is an investigative journalist, military historian, a certified business continuity (and pandemic) planner (CBCP), as well as a certified information systems security professional (CISSP). As such, he has written or…
September 23, 2021