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How to Get Away with Murder


Shonda Rhimes Inspires Positivity with a Year of Yes!

Shonda Rhimes just reminded me what happens when you spend a year saying, “Yes!” to life’s possibilities. In 2008 this became my mantra. It had been a bad year—major surgery, my employer cheated out of $90 million by Bernie Madoff, massive layoffs (including me), the end of a valued relationship.…
JeriAnn Geller
November 10, 2015

TGIT Recaps – What to Expect From Your Fave Shonda Shows

Warning: Major spoilers for the latest episodes of Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder ahead! Last Thursday was the ABC winter finales of all of our favorite Shonda Rhimes shows – otherwise known as TGIT. Thank goodness it was Thursday, indeed. The winter finale event kicked…
Rachel Carter
November 23, 2017

Early Bird Books: Viola Davis Pens New Adventure for Corduroy the Bear

She wins Oscars! She gets away with murder! She...writes books? In a recent statement to PEOPLE, award-winning actress Viola Davis discussed her authorial debut: a new installment in the classic Corduroy series. Titled Corduroy Takes a Bow, the upcoming book sees the titular bear visit the theater with his human companion, Lisa, for the first time. Davis…
March 27, 2018