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Gone Girl


Peter Swanson on What Makes a Heart Pounding Thriller

There are good psychological thrillers, and then there are great psychological thrillers - the ones that leave your heart pounding, and your breathing just a touch too fast. While sometimes it can be hard to sort between the two, now you don't have to: Peter Swanson, author of Her Every Fear has…
April 3, 2018

More, Please! Books that Need Sequels Immediately

There’s nothing like reading a wonderful book that keeps you up all night, fills you with warm fuzzies, or even makes you shed a tear or two. But when the story is finally over, you’re left with an empty feeling that just won’t go away. If you’re lucky, the author will…
Rachel Carter
October 14, 2016

Tall Poppy Review: “The Man She Married” Shocks

There are many ways to write about being in a coma, the shock, the helpless entrapment, and the frightening numbness and silence, but then there is Cathy Lamb's way, with bewilderment, with laugh-out-loud humor, and with chilling fear of why things have gone wrong. In The Man She Married,  (Kensington)…
Weina Dai Randel
November 1, 2018

Tall Poppies’ Suggestions for Every Type of Reader

At BookTrib, we are constantly searching for the best ways to connect readers with writers, opening their eyes and worlds to fresh ideas! This is how we came across a wonderful group known as the Tall Poppies, who are not only avid readers, but extremely talented writers as well! On…
Kelly Harms
August 17, 2017

Diagnosing Literary Characters, One Murderer at a Time

Murder is contextual. Meaning, the action of killing by itself tells us nothing about underlying motivation. A murder in war, for example, has an entirely different motive than a serial killer’s compulsive, methodical kills. It’s apples and oranges, really: both fruit on the outside, but very different on the inside.…
BookTrib Guest Author
September 9, 2016