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Romance Roundup: 25 Sexy New Releases Capturing Our Heart

Thanks to Valentine’s Day and those long, snowy winter nights, February just might be the most romantic month of the year. We’re celebrating that romance with a giant roundup of the steamiest, sweetest and most loving reads we can find. Here's a preview of 25 new romantic releases that are…
Rachel Carter
February 14, 2017

Live Interview with Laurie Kahn and Love Between the Covers

PULLING BACK THE COVERS ON A BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY About the Film Love stories are universal. Love stories are powerful. And so are the women who write them. Love Between the Covers is the fascinating story of the vast, funny, and savvy female community that has built a powerhouse industry…
October 28, 2015

The Scent of Reincarnation

The Collector of Dying Breaths (Atria, April) is the follow-up to The Book of Lost Fragrances and Seduction. They all feature Jac (short for Jacinth) L’Etoile, a young woman who is part of a perfume dynasty in France. She was joined in the previous novels by her brother Robbie, her on-and-off…
Barbara Tom
April 8, 2014

Redeeming Josephine: Heather Webb and the Empress of the French

When men write the history, how do women fare? In Josephine Bonaparte’s case, not very well, says author Heather Webb. In researching Becoming Josephine, her novel about the first Empress of the French, Webb read a number of male-generated tales of the Revolution-era femme fatale that she found incredulous—and far…
Sherry Jones
February 9, 2014

A scandalous mystery that rocked the nation in 1930

For most of us, February means the last pass through winter, highlighted by Groundhog Day, the Superbowl, and Valentine’s Day. But otherwise, as C.S. Lewis said, “Always winter but never Christmas.” So how can we beat the winter blues that inevitably set in this time of year? With a great story.…
Marybeth Whalen
February 9, 2014