J. Luke Bennecke

About J. Luke Bennecke

Luke Bennecke is a veteran civil engineer who helps people by improving Southern California roadways. He has a civil engineering degree, an MBA, a private pilot’s certificate, and is a partner in an engineering firm. He enjoys philanthropy and awards scholarships annually to high school seniors.

Bennecke resides in Southern California with his wife of 32+ years and three spunky cats. In his leisure time he enjoys traveling, playing golf, voiceover acting, and spending time with his grown daughters.

In addition to his debut novel, bestselling and award-winning thriller Civil Terror: Gridlock, Bennecke has written several other novels and screenplays, a creative process he thoroughly enjoys. His second Jake Bendel thriller, Waterborne, was published in 2021 by Black Rose Writing and also received several awards. Echo from a Bayou is his latest suspense thriller with a supernatural twist.



Civil Terror: Gridlock (2018)

Waterborne (2021)

Echo from a Bayou (2023)

Biggest literary influences:

J.D. Barker, Stephen King, Dan Brown, Tom Clancy

What readers will take away from your book(s):

I hope readers finishing Echo from A Bayou will be scratching their heads wondering “what the heck?” because the past-life memories concept — which is at the core of the story — appears to be a very real phenomenon that occurs in children under the age of six. It seems to be nonselective, occurring in countries worldwide, in multiple languages, up and down demographic stratifications, and across vastly different religions, cultures, and societies.

The book that changed your life:

Stephen King’s 11-22-63 … the way he transported me as the reader back in time where every time I picked up that book and started reading, I felt like I was in the 1950’s, in the 1960’s, right there witnessing the assassination. Hypnotic writing at the highest level, a goal for me to achieve as a writer … eventually!

Tell us about the protagonist in your latest book, and who would play her or him if they made a movie out of your book?

Joseph Gordon-Levitt, James Franco or Jake Gyllenhaal would make a great starring role for Echo from a Bayou. For the red-headed love interest, I’m thinking Nicole Kidman or Julianne Moore. And for the sidekick, no one would be better than Mr. Kevin Hart!

Words to live by:

Be kind to people and never make assumptions about them.

Advice for aspiring authors:

Write every single day no matter what. When life gets in the way, tell it to take a hike. Make writing a priority!