Alice Inoue

A new system from an ancient framework for personal guidance on how to deal with life like a superhero.

About Alice Inoue

This book offers a new system from an ancient framework for personal guidance on how to deal with life like the Superhero you have within you—in command of your life and more confident every step of the way. The exclusive Archetype Quiz will reveal your natural elemental nature. Who are you? Calm Connector? Masterful Ally? Efficient Producer? Or another of the twenty Integrated Archetypes? What is your purpose? What are your weaknesses and how do you bolster them? And your superpowers—discover how to identify them and use them.

Master Your Superpowers is designed to help you wake up your inner superpowers so you can make the very most of your journey through life.

Read BookTrib’s review of Alice’s book, Master Your Superpowers.




Master Your Superpowers (2019)

More Mindful Moments: A collection of life wisdom (2017)

Mindful Moments: A collection of life wisdom (2016)

Destination Happiness (2012)

Just Ask Alice (2011)

Feng Shui Your Life (2010)

Be Happy! It’s Your Choice (2009)

A Loving Guide to These Shifting Times (2008)

Biggest literary influencers:

Dr. John Demartini, John Maxwell, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Brendan Burchard

Last book read:

The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene

The book that changed your life:

The Breakthrough Experience by Dr. John Demartini. Reading this book helped me to understand life and it opened my awareness in such a way that my life successes accelerated.

Your favorite literary character:

Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Alice is adventurous and reminds me that staying creative and having an imagination is important in life.

Currently working on:

My next book!

Words to live by:

“Focus on where things are going right.”

Advice to new and aspiring authors:

Keep writing – both for yourself and the positive impact that your work will have on someone’s life.


"Anyone who is looking to live their life to its fullest potential needs to look within - at strengths, desires, weaknesses, habits, etc. This book helps connect you with your own patterns and behaviors, and after taking a quiz, connects you with your superhero archetype. I was thrilled to discover how spot on the results of my quiz and subsequent archetype was! Learning about other archetypes helped me to understand friends and family better and what their strengths and struggles might be. I love picking this book up whenever I am confused about my own or other people's behavior. It's a fun book I'd consider a great gift as well - I mean, who doesn't want to know what superpowers they have!"
- –Amazon Review
"In this modern world of technology, deadlines, unmet expectations, and endless stressors, it often looks as if happiness is a state of being that is unattainable. In her latest self-help guide, Destination Happiness, Alice Inoue inspires us with her own clever and in-depth solution to this dilemma. Writing metaphorically, Inoue compares life's journey to that of a road trip, an insightful and creative approach. "Having control over your vehicle, "translates into having control over your life and making the right choices. "Prepare for the unexpected", suggests, in life (or on a road trip), we are constantly surprised and not always as prepared as we might like. With this in mind, having a balanced mindset, and leaving a little room for the unexpected, the surprises become easier to manage. Alice suggests that we pack only what we need. In life we tend to accumulate, and carry way too much baggage, making the journey tiresome and often, we collect because we feel a void. Inoue's spirituality touches every chapter bringing us back to our intuition, our hearts and ourselves."
- – Amazon IndieReader Review
"I am a big fan of everything Alice does...really, everything she touches is blessed with amazing wisdom and light - she is an amazingly enlightened person and this comes thru in her work. This book is simple, but reminds you of the things your inner guide already knows. I highly recommend this book, it can help bring you back into balance and back in touch with your own inner wisdom. I often re-read this book when I'm feeling "off" or facing challenges and it helps to give me perspective and strength. Thank you Alice for all that you do."
- – Kimie Morton, Amazon Review