The House of Spark
by Luminita LaFlash
The House of Spark is a story based on events that took place in Romania after the Soviet Union invasion, which had a devastating impact on Romanian culture and economy. The story follows the life of a young student named Virginia, who decided to empower herself and start dating after facing a series of heartbreaking events in her personal life. Virginia and her new boyfriend, Jenica, planned to meet over the weekend to attend a show at the renowned Atheneum. However, Jenica failed to attend the concert, leaving Virginia disappointed and worried that something terrible might have happened to him. As days passed, and there was no sign of Jenica, Virginia began searching for him, seeking help from mutual friends. Together, they embarked on a quest to find Jenica. One evening, while returning from a friend's house, Virginia received an unexpected phone call. Could this be the call that would bring her closer to finding out where Jenica was?
Born in Bucharest, Romania, and one of four children. As fate would have it, she was born during a time when President Ceausescu had stopped abortions in Romania. Her father, Ion Codru, was a professor of philosophy and a travel enthusiast. This allowed her to tour almost the entire country while growing up. During high school, she discovered her writing talent and received accolades from her literature professor. However, her parents' divorced when she was 13 years old, and that revealed some shocking revelations that would forever change her life.
After the revolution in 1989, she was offered a job in the United States, which was a surprise since she had always dreamed of opening a small shop in Romania and pursuing her passion for cooking. Unfortunately, the rapid economic changes made it clear that she would need more to fulfill her dream.
A few years ago, she decided to start writing her debut book, which teaches young readers about Romania, the country where she was born.
-BookFest 1) First Place Award—Artistic &Technical—Book Cover—Overall Design
2) Second Place Award—Fiction -Thriller- Political
3) Third Place Award—Fiction, YA, Historical
-Literary Titan - Silver Book Award October 2022
-Honorable mention in BookShelf's Fiction Writing Contest-2023
"A Novel of Hope and Persistence under the Communist Occupation. It is a tale that reaffirms that love—and determination—conquer all."—BookTrib.
"It shows how true love, friendship, and relationships were put to the test. The result will amaze you."
"A historical fiction novel with suspense, mystery, and thrills...A must-read for those interested in political fiction of the 1950s." --Literary Titan Reviews
" A sometimes dense but informative novel set in Communist Bucharest."---Kirkus Reviews
Maria - Judi Dench, Virginia - Kate Winslet, Mircea - Joe Manganiello
Bucharest, Romania