Hidden Behind the Mist of Arrow Lakes

by Lucia Mann

GENRE: Non-fiction

In the Arrow Lakes region of British Columbia, Canada, individuals with ties to the Nazi era—some born during the war and others after—adopted new identities, cleverly altering one or two letters of their birth or last names. Living inconspicuously, they managed to stay beneath the radar.

Hidden Behind the Mist of Arrow Lakes unfolds a courageous historical account, weaving together the intricate web of connections between Russia, England, Germany, and Canada—a tapestry that binds the Holocaust’s history. Within its pages lies a harrowing chronicle of unspeakable atrocities, a narrative that had long remained shrouded in secrecy.

This tale stands among countless others that have been chronicled, all bearing witness to a dark chapter in human history. Yet, by bringing these stories to light, their truths and the malevolence they encapsulate should forever be etched into collective memory, ensuring they are never consigned to oblivion.


Journalist and novelist Lucia Mann is an inspirational writer and social activist. Her books and writings are recognized internationally, and she is well known as one of the leading advocates for the abolition of human trafficking and slavery.

After retiring from journalism, Lucia moved to rural in British Columbia, Canada, where she has been writing prolifically giving voice to those who have suffered, and still suffer, the brutalities of war and social injustice. Her books and writings are relevant and often shocking, but they shine an important light on the ongoing worldwide struggles.


holocaust atrocities


Gal Gadot, Ben Stiller, Scarlet Johanson


Russia, England, Germany, Poland, and Canada

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