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Maya Fleischmann

Maya Fleischmann is a freelance writer and the author of Finding Ching Ha and If You Give a Mum a Minute. Her book reviews are published in book industry trade journals, such as Publishers Weekly, BookPage, and Audiofile Magazine. Her stories and articles have appeared in travel and cultural magazines and books, to include Peril and Chicken Soup for the Working Mom’s Soul. Born and raised in Hong Kong, Maya has lived and traveled overseas extensively. She currently lives in Florida, where the turquoise waters and sunlit skies remind her of her childhood home in Hong Kong. When Maya is not writing, reading, or volunteering as a narrator for Learning Ally, or hosting writing groups with Pine Island Writers, she is exploring Florida’s lush landscape and eclectic towns, and sampling new foods.

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Maya Fleischmann

6 Audiobooks for Bookworms and Bookstore LoversAudiobooksFictionListicles

6 Audiobooks for Bookworms and Bookstore Lovers

“In principle and reality, libraries are life-enhancing palaces of wonder.” ― Gail Honeyman, ELEANOR OLIPHANT IS COMPLETELY FINE There’s secrecy, seductiveness, and salvation in the world of books. If you are a listener who loves settings involving books, you're in for a treat. The following compilation of tantalizing titles revolves around…
Maya Fleischmann
December 5, 2023