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Judy Moreno

Judy Moreno is the Assistant Editor at BookTrib and sincerely loves the many-splendored nature of storytelling. She earned a double major in English and Theatre from Hillsdale College after a childhood spent reading (and rereading) nearly everything at the local library. Some of her favorite novels include Catch-22, Anna Karenina, and anything by Jane Austen. She currently lives in Virginia and is delighted to be on the BookTrib team.

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Judy Moreno


Master of the Spy Novel John le Carré Dies at 89

John le Carré, prolific and profound novelist of such renowned Cold War thrillers as Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy and The Man Who Came In From The Cold, died in Cornwall, England, this past weekend. The writer was eighty-nine years old. He penned extremely engaging stories, but his mark upon literature…
Judy Moreno
December 14, 2020

Exploring the Ways We Love in “The Divorce Planner”

Angela Lam explores love of all kinds in her charming novel, The Divorce Planner (The Wild Road Press), which centers around a complex and loveable protagonist with a personal vendetta against marriage. While packed with moments of heart-fluttering romance, the book also investigates the countless challenges of relationships with extraordinary…
Judy Moreno
February 7, 2020