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David Todd

Among David Todd's many literary interests are the Greek classics; mythology and folklore; Elizabethan and Jacobean drama; early forms of the novel and genre fiction; English Romantic poetry; and early 20th-century European fiction. He is the former co-editor of the Dirigible Journal of Language Art and a graduate of Quinnipiac University.

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David Todd


Scholar Unpacks His 1995 Wager of Global Disaster in “The Collapse of 2020” Way back in 1995, Kirkpatrick Sale, secessionist, environmentalist author and Neo-Luddite, bet Kevin Kelly (editor of Wired magazine) that by the year 2020, three disasters would occur: global currency collapse, significant warfare between rich and poor and environmental disasters of some significant size. Now in The Collapse of 2020…
David Todd
October 8, 2020