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Carrie Padian

is a perpetual writing student and observer, lately pursuing her BA in English/Creative Writing at Marylhurst University in Portland, Oregon. In her non-school, non-work hours she facilitates workshops for Write Around Portland and devours as much as she can of the written word. Her poetry and prose can be found in the online journals Voicecatcher and Straight Forward Poetry as well as the book Loving For Crumbs -- An Anthology of Moving On. She loves being followed but only on Twitter: @carriepadian

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Carrie Padian


What’s so great about writing by hand?

For most of my young life, I hated my own handwriting. The other girls in my class wrote with such beautiful, rounded loopy script and I envied them, even the ones who dotted their i's with little hearts. My scratchy letters always came out flattened, each one drooping ever closer…
Carrie Padian
January 12, 2014