Anne Goodwin
About Anne Goodwin
ANNE GOODWIN, award-winning author of Stay for Lunch and Come to the Lake, spends her summers in a 1920s cottage on Pleasant Lake in southeastern Wisconsin. Her passions include feeding large groups of family and friends, swimming from shore-to-shore, paddling any non-motorized craft available, observing nature’s glories and taking notes along the way.
Read BookTrib’s review of Anne’s book, Come to the Lake.
Stay for Lunch (2009)
Come to the Lake (2018)
Biggest literary influencers:
Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Anne Lamott, Maya Angelou
Last book read:
The Nightingale
The book that changed your life:
Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s The Gift By the Sea and her volumes of journals inspired my nature-related writing and journaling. The book For Those I Loved by Martin Gray, a Holocaust survivor, taught me as a high school student about sustaining loss in life and surviving through it. I remember its impact well, forty years later.
Your favorite literary character:
So trite, but is there a more inspiring and comforting character than Atticus Finch?
Currently working on:
Hunting and gathering for my next unknown, but hopefully soon to be determined, writing project.
Words to live by:
“You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm.” – Colette.
Advice to new and aspiring authors:
Simply, tell your story. And have fun telling it.