Deborah Curtin
Historical fiction
Art and writing have always been the core of Deborah’s background. An opportunity to write “human interest” stories for a local newspaper opened up and she excelled in this endeavor. Several years later she began a column of local interest for an online publication. Soon another writing avenue spoke to her; visiting farms and creating profiles to highlight this important way of life. These were posted online through the NH Farm Network.
A workshop on Historical Fiction one year was just one of many offered by the NH Writer’s Project. The questions of who, what, where, and when prompted each attendee to find their story. This became Deborah’s first attempt at crafting a novel. But a life event shifted her focus. With inspiration from a young military family friend, she wrote, finished and self-published a current day military thriller which went on to win Honorable Mention at the New England Book Festival. An illustrated, wordless, children’s book became another finished project also winning an award. Deborah supports the military with the arts and her writing in many ways. Her first attempt from long ago is now a completed and published Civil War novel. Mission accomplished!
For more on Deborah, visit her website and check out our full interview here. Read our review of her book Today Is the Day here and Faith on Fire here.
Peril on the High Seas
Today is the Day
Faith on Fire
Your biggest literary influencers (authors): Daphne du Maurier and Agatha Christie
Last book read: Grateful American – A Journey from Self to Service by Gary Sinise
The book that changed your life: WWJD What Would Jesus Do? I have found peace with this very interesting tiny book that puts the Bible into perspective by using scripture quotations. The authors then use these as a learning tool which they interpret in a way to be understood for current day seekers of God’s wisdom. It all makes sense.
Your favorite literary character: Pete Alexander. He is the main character in my first novel and military thriller, Today is the Day. This story began from the heart. Peter’s family and ours were friends from early on as our kids grew up together. He was a pilot, joined the military but died in a tragic air crash. He was the inspiration for my book and it is totally fiction but with this I chose to honor him in this way.
Currently working on: Haiku poetry and a new book, Under the Bridge, a Vietnam War era story set in the 1970’s. A Super Hero theme is being incorporated into the story.
Words to live by: Don’t say, “I can’t”, because then you won’t and you’ll never know unless you try.
Advice for aspiring authors: Take a writing class or workshop every now and then. Find your tribe. Look for writing gigs. Take a chance and put yourself out there. Unexpected opportunities will find you!
Check out the trailer for her book Today Is the Day from Xlibris Publishing: