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Anela's Club by D.K. Yamashiro

"... a beautifully written and deeply moving novel that will be inspiring for young adult (and older) readers."

Anela’s Club is an engaging young adult novel by D.K. Yamashiro. It follows the emotional journey of an academically gifted teenage girl named Anela as she struggles to find her footing after the sudden death of a loved one. With her life turned upside down, Anela must navigate the turbulent waters of high school, strained relationships, and her own overwhelming grief.

Anela’s Turmoil

Anela’s big brother, Jake, who was her only rock and protector through school and family life, passed away a couple of months earlier due to a football accident. Not only that, Anela’s home life is in disarray; her father is estranged, dealing with his own issues through alcohol, while her mother is too consumed by her grief to give Anela the love and support she desperately needs. Most of her friends have distanced themselves from her after Jake’s death. As Anela tries to piece her life together, she is left to fend for herself in an environment that seems to offer more challenges than comfort. 

Exploring Deep Themes and Emotions

Through authentic dialogues, insightful monologues and relatable characters, Yamashiro’s creative writing is evident from the very first page. The author masterfully explores themes of grief, childhood trauma, family dysfunction, friendship, resilience, and the search for identity. As Yamashiro balances the somber moments with instances of warmth and kindness, the novel’s tone becomes both melancholic and hopeful, creating a narrative that is as heart-wrenching as it is uplifting, capturing the emotional journey of a teenage girl in turmoil. 

Detailed Character Portrayals and Messages

Even if you’re not a regular reader of young adult fiction, you can easily fall in love with the journey of this resilient protagonist. Anela’s internal monologue about her brother’s absence will tug at your heartstrings: “I’d lost count of how many times I wished it was me instead. I mourned my brother’s death and the past we shared — but more than that, and worse, the future we would never have.” Her feeling of helplessness and isolation when she didn’t know her mother’s whereabouts was nearly heartbreaking for me: “And if Mom wasn’t at work, where was she? Dread crept back into my psyche … Jake said it wasn’t a weakness to ask for help, but I didn’t have anyone I could trust. I’d never felt more alone in my life.”

Yamashiro’s minor characters are just as equally well-drawn. Anela’s mother, for instance, is a figure shrouded in grief and addiction, and in shame over her inability to properly take care of her daughter. Although she has tendencies of turning to drugs as a coping mechanism, she is aware of the damage it has on her already strained relationship with her daughter and knows she needs to find the strength to turn her life around and make amends to Anela. Monique, a classmate, is another standout character who broke the stereotype of the popular mean high school girl. Despite her vanity and materialism, she shows compassion and understanding toward Anela, even going as far as standing up for Anela against one of her own friends. 

Yamashiro’s message in this moving tale is clear: even in the face of immense personal tragedy, it is possible to find strength and hope. Anela’s journey is about finding the courage to step out of your comfort zone, reconnecting with people who care for you, and pursuing your dreams in spite of the traumas within and the odds in your way.

Anela’s Club is a beautifully written and deeply moving novel that will be inspiring for young adult (and older) readers. It tackles difficult topics with sensitivity and honesty, making it a standout in the young adult genre. Anela’s Club is a story of loss and love, pain and healing, and ultimately, finding a way forward when everything seems lost.

About D.K. Yamashiro:

As a teen, D.K. Yamashiro survived falling four hundred feet from a ridge in Hawaii, suffering severe brain injuries. Years of recovery involved a camel ride at the Pyramids of Giza, swimming in the Mediterranean Sea, hiking up Masada, sledding down the Great Wall of China, exploring underground caves in the Black Hills, and speaking to crowds in East Africa and Brazilian favelas. A master’s at Harvard and summer studies at Oxford preceded a PhD with research on childhood traumas of American presidents. Yamashiro resides in Brookline, Massachusetts, and is an affiliate at MIT.

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Anela's Club by D.K. Yamashiro
Publish Date: May 10, 2024
Genre: Young Adult
Author: D.K. Yamashiro
Page Count: 208 pages
Publisher: Koehler Books
ISBN: 979-8888242223
Natalia Kavale

Natalia Kavale is a freelance writer, certified proofreader and copyeditor. She has an honors degree in English Studies and Music. She has been a professional book reviewer since 2018. She writes for OnlineBookClub and Reader Views. When her nose is not buried deep in a novel, she is busy binge-watching Korean dramas while devouring spicy boiled potatoes. She lives in Walvis Bay, a Namibian coastal city with breathtaking sceneries and landscapes like the Sandwich Harbour, where the Namib Desert sand dunes meet on the Atlantic Ocean. Find Natalia on her website.