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So Is Retirement Supposed to Suck? by George M. Dean

“I’ve come to find that life is full of surprises, and rarely for the better.”

Above, a direct quote from George M. Dean, author of the charmingly disheartening So, Is Retirement Supposed to Suck? (Gatekeeper Press). Fittingly subtitled “A Compilation of Life’s Little Disappointments,” this book explores Dean’s life from childhood to maturity, his personal experience of retirement and his existence as a self-described misanthropic, disenchanted individual.

We got the chance to talk with the author himself on life changes, expressing emotion through the written word and — of course — the ups and downs of the golden years.

Q: Why did you write this book?

A: I wrote this book to give others preparing for retirement, a better understanding of what’s to come. And of course, to keep their expectations low.

Q: What about your upbringing had the most profound effect on who you are now?

A: Everything. I believe everything you’re put through as a child, will have a pronounced effect on how you handle yourself as an adult. As stated in the book, my parents were good and moral people; they were however horrible at being parents. I suppose there were no manuals back then.

Q: Is this meant as a serious, useful book for people or is it to be taken more as a satire and light-hearted look at retirement?

A: A bit of seriousness in the beginning, when it pertains to the abuse my sister and I had to endure. But overall, this book should be taken lightheartedly. I believe my sarcasm shines through nicely, while the circumstances I endured, would be relatable to the readers.

Q: What do you find is the most disappointing aspect of retirement?

A: Dealing with irate and rude people in the customer service field. It almost seems that most people you’re forced to deal with seem to enjoy disappointing you. There’s just no more going above and beyond to please the customer. Now it’s more like, “Sorry Sir, that’s no longer our policy.”

Q: What do you like the best about retirement?

A: The naps. By far, the naps.

Q: What have you learned about yourself in the process of retirement and writing this book?

A: That most people out there are assholes, and it’s getting harder to reason with them. Also, that it’s difficult to keep your friends when they’re still working and you’re not. I especially learned that writing this book was a great way to vent.

Q: What do you hope readers take away from it? 

A: That retirement is not what it’s cracked up to be. That is unless everything works out perfectly; which of course, it never does. But I’m sure my readers will enjoy my take on retirement, and get a few laughs out of it.

About George M. Dean:

George M. Dean is best described as a misanthropic, disenchanted individual who is at war — mostly with himself. George vents through his writing, which resulted in this book. Think Larry David, but even more disgruntled. Now that he’s retired, he has plenty of time and new things to yammer on about. George prefers to cast blame for his failures onto his parents, citing his abhorrent upbringing. Nowadays, since his parents have sadly left us, he is happily married to a lovely shrew, who has taken over where his parents left off. Call it masochism, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.

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So Is Retirement Supposed to Suck? by George M. Dean
Publish Date: October 12, 2023
Genre: Nonfiction
Author: George M. Dean
Page Count: 298 pages
Publisher: Gatekeeper Press
ISBN: 9781662936524
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