Throw Me to the Wolves by Lindy Ryan
Throw Me to the Wolves (Black Spot Books) by Lindy Ryan and Christopher Brooks is an intriguing combination of supernatural thriller, paranormal romance and murder mystery — set in a small town near New Orleans where the dark forces conjured by a witch named Selena Stone lives long after she dies … or what’s left of her: an eyeball, a heart pulled out of her chest, a couple of choice pieces.
Enter Britta Orchid, a sexy female werewolf who has a thing for human men — specifically a certain police detective. This attraction leaves her very conflicted and isolated from her wolf pack, who are loyal to their own. But nothing will deter her from her mission to find out why her brother’s soul has been locked in a powerful witch’s circle. It’s a circle that exists in the same house in which he and her entire family were slaughtered and mutilated in an ugly murder scene. And although every instinct in her wolf body tells her to let it go, there is nothing she won’t do to release her brother’s soul from the horror of his entrapment, doomed to languish forever.
But it becomes pretty clear that the black magic that trapped her brother is really meant for her. So how does she save her brother without destroying herself? It’s not something she can do on her own. Enter Aaron Labaye, police detective, a handsome man with a sixth sense he’s honed over the years and a stubborn streak that will not let go. He is determined to solve the mystery of who slaughtered Britta’s family in such a gruesome manner.
It’s not long before they realize that they don’t have the skills to fight this thing, but are in too deep to turn back. What’s worse, as the black magic gains more traction it begins to engulf everyone it touches with evil.
When Britta and Labaye enter the haunted murder house, it becomes painfully clear that whatever lurks there is not messing around. The darkness takes the form of a murderous evil entity. And when Labaye becomes trapped in a witch’s circle that threatens to kill him, Britta is forced to take action to save him — though the only way she can do that is to shapeshift into a werewolf before his eyes and battle the evil herself.
She drags his beaten body out of the circle and takes on the darkness. Afterward, she drops to the floor, exhausted and spent having used all her energy to save him. And behold, Detective Labaye has fallen in love, and she has noticed, but there is a problem.
According to wolfpack rules, messing around with a human is not looked upon kindly, but Britta has always been an outsider. The wolves are angry. Britta has crossed a line driven by rage, revenge and pain with a singleness of mind: destroy the witch who made the spell and release her brother’s soul.
With Labaye by her side, they are drawn to one another overwhelmed by their connection and they find they both have a decision to make that can have horrible consequences for the people around them. Black magic, werewolves, murder and love. What could possibly go wrong?
Throw Me to the Wolves is written in a crisp, clean style. As a reader, when I am dropped into a supernatural place such as the world Ryan and Brooks have created, it often takes me a bit to get my bearings. However, the authors drew me in, gradually testing the waters between the world of man and wolf. Before I knew it, I had become an active participant in this foreign world of magic, witches, danger and shocking unpredictable plot twists. Add a mysterious back story to the mix and you’re in for an engaging read.