Rush Limbaugh, A Tribute - Why I Listen and What I've Learned by Daniel O. Noorlander, Jr.
Those are the words of Rush Limbaugh, the longtime radio personality, conservative political commentator, author and television host, speaking in 2020 in response to a caller comment.
Daniel O. Noorlander Jr. would attest to Limbaugh’s sentiments above. One might say Noorlander is an expert when it comes to the subject of Rush Limbaugh and his philosophy. Noorlander listened to Limbaugh for 30 years, amassing files of some 6,500 segments of Rush speaking, Rush pontificating, Rush educating, and, well, Rush being Rush. He has meticulously studied and scoured his files, condensed them, and put together the best of the best in his book, Rush Limbaugh, A Tribute – Why I Listen and What I’ve Learned.
The book is hardly a biography of Limbaugh or chronicle of his life. It is more a tribute to his beliefs and his ability to communicate them effectively to a passionate listener base. Noorlander’s excerpts from Limbaugh’s many talks provide example after example of the man and his political philosophy, his vision for America and his values for the American people. The author uses those clips as a springboard to elaborate on his own vision and offer his own opinions.
The author describes himself simply as “an average American with only one credential for writing this book: I love Rush and what he teaches about preserving America as founded.” As he recollects, he can’t quite remember the first time he heard Rush. He tells of driving from Los Angeles to Fresno in the late Eighties searching the radio for him. He didn’t find him that night, but once he did, there was no turning him off.
For anyone who needs positive conservative thought reinforcement, this is the perfect book. For anyone whose political leanings are of a different preference, this book could inform you — and anger or frustrate you. That’s because the author holds nothing back in his criticism of the left, his beliefs derived straight from the words of Limbaugh.
“This book reflects what I’ve learned from Rush, which might differ from what you’ve learned. This book reflects what I think and how I respond to what Rush says — it is meant to honor him.”
To that end, Noorlander is the consummate admirer, seeing Limbaugh as much more than just a talented radio personality. “I wonder,” asks Noorlander, “how many times his comments have influenced someone to take a good look at his or her purpose and ask similar questions about life.”
“Rush teaches us how to keep freedom safe and preserve America as founded until the final trumpet sounds and the epic tale of her glorious history comes to an end. Rush represents all that is good and great about America. I listen to learn about America. I listen so I can recognize her enemies.”
Traits like courage, optimism, passion, gratitude, love and truth are among those the author has come to understand from listening to Rush.
“Rush teaches, explains and demonstrates traditional, time-tested, time-honored values. There’s enough material in Rush’s archives to fill the pages of 10 books.”
So listen and learn, as Noorlander did. Or read this book. Before Rush’s death last year and since then through plenty of outlets and archives, perhaps you’ll come to feel as Noorlander does — that Rush’s passion inspired millions of Americans to be the best they can be and kept the country on course for a bright future.
Rush Limbaugh, A Tribute — Why I Listen and What I’ve Learned is available for purchase here.
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