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Tales From A Fishing Village by CoeXist

What's It About?

Power in the wrong hands poses great, perhaps catastrophic, consequences. It takes frighteningly little force to push an ambitious vision for progress over the edge of a cliff and send it plummeting toward the jagged rocks that lay below. Yet time and time again, the world sees just that horror play out — ambition, no matter its intent, inevitably seems to give way to violence as it makes desperate grabs for control.

Power in the wrong hands poses great, perhaps catastrophic, consequences. It takes frighteningly little force to push an ambitious vision for progress over the edge of a cliff and send it plummeting toward the jagged rocks that lay below. Yet time and time again, the world sees just that horror play out — ambition, no matter its intent, inevitably seems to give way to violence as it makes desperate grabs for control.

One might describe this pattern as a cycle. The pseudonymous author of Tales From a Fishing Village (Barnes & Noble Press), CoeXist, would undoubtedly call it a spiral:

“Humanity has been fighting a war the moment it was brought into existence. The source of all conflict comes from the lack of resources and the unwillingness to cooperate and coexist. This conflict had borne the negative traits such as greed, narcissism, and racism. From those traits came a terrible downward spiral, an endless maelstrom of action and consequence.”


 width=The specific spiral in which readers find themselves over the course of CoeXist’s novel centers around Aerithdora, a small country located on a planet called Crelsth, which exists in an alternate dimension to Earth. Although technological progress has advanced slowly due to its relative isolation, its bountiful natural resources have allowed the people of Aerithdora to prosper. Under the protection of the ruling noble family, the nation has endured few losses at the hands of agents of malintent who would seek to steal from them. But with their eyes focused on the outside, they remain unaware that the “real threat lies within Aerithdora itself.”

It is in this place that the lives of three children, each raised to serve a different role, intertwine with a much larger story of the cosmos, a tale so old now that many believe it to be nothing more than fable. And yet, this tucked-away corner of the world — influenced by spiritual and natural magics, beholden to gods and demons and populated with a myriad of other fantastic entities (dryads, dragons, ghosts) — proves an almost mythic landscape for the chaos that has been brewing within and the tragedy soon to befall it.


Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of this truly epic tale is its very construction. Its broad scope in no way diminishes as its author hands readers each strand of the story individually, allowing them to examine every detail as he weaves a highly intricate and ambitious tapestry. 

In many ways, Tales From a Fishing Village is exactly what its title describes: tales from a fishing village (that village, of course, being Aerithdora). From one chapter to the next, readers become acquainted with a variety of characters who, interesting though they may be, appear of little consequence to the overarching plot. As the chapters elapse, however, it becomes apparent that the author has given readers an unprecedented glimpse into this fantasy world. These individual stories and perspectives intermingle, working together to form a rich view of the world.

Intentional or not, it’s almost as if the manner in which CoeXist tells this tale is a metaphor for its philosophical musings on disrupting the aforementioned spiral: “The willingness to cooperate and coexist will bring about a way to disrupt the momentum of millions of years of hatred and selfishness.” Something to ponder at the very least.

Combining gripping action, impressive world-building and compelling characters, Tales From a Fishing Village will delight lovers of epic fantasy, but it will especially reward those patient readers who savor each and every thread that its author so carefully unspools.

Tales From a Fishing Village is available for purchase here.

About CoeXist:

The moniker CoeXist was chosen for many reasons. For one, his younger sister had always given unconditional love for everyone she had met. When she passed away, he realized why can’t everyone do the same for each other. To carry on the love that she had for humanity, CoeXist dedicated his time and energy to opening his heart to everyone he meets. 

Since Childhood, he had dreamed of changing the world. As he grew up being exposed to a variety of cultures, languages, and philosophies, he learned that everything on this earth is connected to one another in many ways. In order to show people how to love as much as his younger sister did, he created the spiral timeline.

As for X, solve.

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Barnes & Noble Indie Bound
Tales From A Fishing Village by CoeXist
Genre: Action and Adventure, Fantasy, Fiction
Author: CoeXist
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