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Join us today at noon EST when Otho Eskin joins fellow thriller author Jon Land for a conversation about Head Shot (Oceanview), Eskin’s follow-up to The Reflecting Pool (2020) and the second in the series featuring D.C. homicide detective Marko Zorn.

With a sordid history, aversion to guns and propensity to break rules (including working both sides of the law, often at the same time) — not to mention his fondness for valuable cars and women with expensive tastes — Zorn is the epitome of the anti-hero. Head Shot finds him tracking an assassin whose hit list appears to include Zorn himself. And not one but three separate players have hired him to protect the foreign ambassador at the top of that list. As the body count grows, suspicion starts building that it is Zorn himself who is the assassin. It’s the kind of situation only Zorn could find himself in, and an especially tricky one to find his way out of.

Tune in below or on Facebook to learn more!

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