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For Those Led by the Heart by Valerie Kristin

Comfort for our deepest grief and anxiety surrounds us — if we choose to accept it. It’s in the form of the air, the wind, the sun, the feel of the dew in the grass under our bare feet. It’s in the form of the love of others — those we see, and those we cannot see but can feel if we open our hearts to them. This is the beautiful message underlying Valerie Kristin‘s novelette, For Those Led by the Heart (Barnes & Noble Press). 

Taylor’s family is reeling from the recent loss of not one, but (as we come to learn) two family members. Her mother can’t even get out of bed to shower some days. Taylor’s reticent and hardworking father feels incapable of consoling his family, much less himself. And Taylor must learn to heal by herself. The story, narrated by the spirit of one of the deceased, closely follows Taylor’s journey as she finds comfort and then strength amid the turmoil. 

On a rare trip into town, it becomes apparent why the family has isolated themselves to their rural property. Well-meaning neighbors and townspeople seek to express their condolences for what we come to gather was the tragic and unexpected death of Taylor’s uncle Sam. The attention is too much for Taylor and her mom, and they flee home, their errands unfinished.

Not able to accept the comfort of others, Taylor has turned within. That is not to say that no comfort comes. By the nearby creek, she encounters a presence she names “Cole”: “He made me think of coal, but not something dark. Something that could absorb the bad things,” Taylor later explains. Cole surrounds her with a soothing embrace, keeping her company. 

Slowly, her family begins to recover. Taylor finds perspective from a family friend, Coach. He teaches her about God’s presence in our lives, a concept foreign to a girl raised in a non-religious family. She begins to understand Cole as the presence of the Holy Spirit. She finds strength in daily morning runs during which she can pause to watch the sunrise over her beloved creek. Her mother finds the will to get out of bed and find purpose in her own daily routine.


For Those Led by the Heart is a gentle story, evoking images, emotions and sensations of Taylor’s inner and outer world. The narrator’s voice is simple and factual, and yet there is richness in the language describing Taylor’s experiences. Here is just one example:

Playing with a flower on the bridge, it felt like the flower benefited from her admiration. It became more so vibrant and beautiful because she loved it. A light breeze stole the flower, placing it in the water. Not feeling the least bit disappointed, she rather focused on the amazing rings that were created in the water.

This scene is later echoed as she spreads Coach’s ashes upon his favorite fishing spot, singing a song she’s written in benediction:

“In you alone, I rest./ In you alone, I’m free. / In you alone, I’m who I want to be.”

There is much comfort in Taylor’s journey for those of us who are dealing with losses of our own. Whether or not you believe that the deceased watch over us, whether or not you believe in God, you will learn how to accept the comfort that comes from places inside and outside ourselves, but more importantly, be reminded that this, too, shall pass.

For Those Led by the Heart is available for purchase.


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About Valerie Kristin:

Valerie Kristin is a young wife and mama from Texas. Her novelette, For Those Led by the Heart, was largely created in the middle of the night after a difficult miscarriage. She hopes to reach people who have lost and feel lost. Beyond that, she hopes to share the love and passion God can bring you when you are open to it.

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Barnes & Noble Indie Bound
For Those Led by the Heart by Valerie Kristin
Genre: Fiction
Author: Valerie Kristin
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