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Join us today at noon on Facebook Live, when we sit down with aviation expert Jack Hersch to discuss his new book, The Dangers of Automation in Airliners: Accidents Waiting to Happen. Hersch, an instrument-rated commercial pilot, puts us in the cockpit during nine flight incidents and seven crashes over a span of 10 years, each an example of the downsides of aircraft automation.

Modern airplane technology is intended to make flying safer and more efficient. Hersch contends that the ability for pilots to switch into “autopilot” and essentially let technology fly their planes opens the possibility for pilots to lose focus and not be prepared when they need to manage a crisis. “Complacency sets in, especially since automation fails so rarely,” he says. “Pilots … know their automation is eminently trustworthy … That is true until an emergency or mistake shocks the pilots out of their complacency.” Automation malfunctions alone do not usually cause plane crashes; often“the pilots had control and had options to deal with their respective troubles.” (Read our full review here.)

So buckle up, stow your tray tables and put your seat into its upright position. This is a must-watch for air travelers and aviation geeks alike!

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