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It’s safe to say that the women’s march in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, January 21, was a huge success. The peaceful rally drew people from all over the world, with satellite marches popping up in cities across the globe (including Antartica!). The numbers are still rolling in, but some sites are reporting that there was an estimated three times the amount of people at the march than there were at Trump’s Inauguration the day before.


Many popular authors attended marches around the country, and they took to Twitter to talk about it:

Judy Blume tweeted a photo from the Key West march in Florida:

judy blume tweet


Stephen King joined a rally in Sarasota:

king tweet


Elizabeth Gilbert shared some of the signs she saw at the march in Washington:

gilbert tweet


Cheryl Strayed was also at the Washington march:

strayed tweet


As was young adult author Gayle Forman:

gayle tweet


Neil Gaiman showed his solidarity all the way from Australia:

Gaiman Tweet


While John Green marched in Indianapolis:

green tweet


Young adult author of the Shatter Me series, Tahereh Mafi, showed off her sign (and awesome jacket):

tahereh tweet


And Mindy Kaling marched with pals:

Mindy tweet


Amy Tan was in Washington too:

amy tan tweet


Maureen Johnson, who marched in NYC, reported that the streets were crowded:

maureen johnson tweet

And shared this adorable sign:

maureen tweet 2


Roxane Gay’s words became an inspiration for lots of marchers, and she shared some of the signs with her followers:

gay tweet


Joyce Carol Oates showed her support:

JCO tweet


As did Anne Rice, delivering a message of hope:

anne rice tweet


Genre: Potpourri
Rachel Carter

Rachel Carter grew up surrounded by trees and snow and mountains. She graduated from the University of Vermont and Columbia University, where she received her MFA in nonfiction writing. She is the author of the So Close to You series with Harperteen. These days you can find her working on her next novel in the woods of Vermont.

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