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Triggers by Marshall Goldsmith

Don’t miss world-recognized executive coach Marshall Goldsmith on BookTrib Friday, May 29 at 2 p.m. EST. In his new book he explains that the key to personal and professional growth is understanding your environment and the psychological triggers that can throw us for a loop. We don’t realize how many environmental influences exert their considerable power over us every day — or the power of a seemingly innocuous event, which triggers an irrational reaction. Can we accurately pinpoint the trigger? And if so, what are we going to do about it? It’s about confrontation, not evasion.

[giveaway giveaway_id=2091 side=”right”] Triggers: Creating Behavior That Lasts – Becoming the Person You Want to Be (Crown Business, May 19, 2015) examines  triggers that lie all around us. Compassion, logic and even best-laid plans come under fire on a daily basis, but Goldsmith says we can choose how to respond. When we fall shy of a goal, there are reasons. In other words, when we’re poked and prodded by the universe – and some days, the poking becomes unbearable – we must turn to face the puppet-master.

Perhaps one of Goldsmith’s most effective messages is this: Anyone can try. Anyone can buckle down and give it their best shot, hoping the result will be favorable. But real success is a different beast altogether. I think the biggest challenge involves what Goldsmith calls self-monitoring and asking “active” questions. Thing is, this is a lot harder than people understand; looking at yourself in the mirror and analyzing what you see is one of the most daunting self-improvement tasks on the planet.

This is why Triggers is such a helpful guide: It offers practical, relatively simple ways of undertaking the difficult task of personal growth. Self-awareness is critical if you wish to create a world of your own, a world in which you have more control, and are more tuned in to yourself. The underlying philosophy plays into David H. Wagner’s Backbone book because both encourage the individual to cut the strings, so-to-speak.


We first acknowledge, then either adapt or conquer. The triggers of which Goldsmith speaks are potent and ever-present but they can’t hold sway over a strong person. When our discipline starts to wane and we KNOW why it’s waning, we can stop it. When we take responsibility for our self-improvement, we’re automatically more in touch with who we are. We can change and when we’ve made those changes, we’ll look back and say, “I can’t believe I waited this long.”

Because at the end of the trial tunnel lies a brighter, happier, ultimately more aware individual. I can’t wait to meet him.

Be sure to catch our Live Chat with Marshall Goldsmith on Friday, May 22 at 3 p.m.


Buy this Book!

Triggers by Marshall Goldsmith
Genre: Business, Nonfiction, Self Help
Author: Marshall Goldsmith
Publisher: National Geographic Books
ISBN: 9780804141240
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