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S.E. Keller

Young Adult

Enigmatic War Shakes the World in YA Thriller “Rain”

In 1970, Edwin Starr asked the world, “War! What is it good for?” It’s an interesting question, and one that many might approach by considering the circumstances around individual conflicts, answering on a case-by-case basis rather than making any kind of monolithic claim. Starr’s answer, of course, was “absolutely nothing,”…
January 29, 2021

Weekly Book Giveaway: “Rain” by S.E. Keller Siren Eyre is your average high school girl. She stays away from conflict and has little interest in drama. However, something terrible happens. A group of people known to have connections with the start of the New War have come to her school. After being kidnapped, Siren has to…
February 11, 2021