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Occult Fiction


Which Witch Book Will Cast a Spell on You?

Double, double toil and trouble, October books to burst your bubble… As the season changes, pumpkins are carved and candy corn is consumed, it can be fun to pick up a book that reflects the spooky, ghoulish atmosphere. Whether you choose a mystery, a book that has ghosts, or a…
Jennifer Blankfein
October 23, 2023

8 Scarily Good Reads for Friday the 13th

It’s a special October for fans of horror, mystery, thriller and all things scary. Not only is it spooky season, with Halloween ending the month, but Friday the 13th is just around the corner. Looking for a way to spend the crisp autumn days between the two creepiest holidays of…
Megan Beauregard
October 11, 2023

BookTrib Giveaway: A Witch’s Race to Stuff a Demonic Genie Back Into the Bottle *U.S. Entries Only* PGEgY2xhc3M9InJjcHRyIiBocmVmPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnJhZmZsZWNvcHRlci5jb20vcmFmbC9kaXNwbGF5LzkzNjE0NTg0NDY3LyIgcmVsPSJub2ZvbGxvdyIgZGF0YS1yYWZsaWQ9IjkzNjE0NTg0NDY3IiBkYXRhLXRoZW1lPSJjbGFzc2ljIiBkYXRhLXRlbXBsYXRlPSI1YzAwODg5MjQ3MmJkODVhMGIxMTRhODUiIGlkPSJyY3dpZGdldF9zbzBrMnNncyI+YSBSYWZmbGVjb3B0ZXIgZ2l2ZWF3YXk8L2E+CjxzY3JpcHQgc3JjPSJodHRwczovL3dpZGdldC1wcmltZS5yYWZmbGVjb3B0ZXIuY29tL2xhdW5jaC5qcyI+PC9zY3JpcHQ+ “This is a scorcher of a story...and while it explores themes of magic, revenge, and survival, it brims with realism and humanity.” —The Book Commentary “A brisk, enjoyable supernatural tale of black magic and powerful spells.” —Kirkus Reviews —∞— A psychologist uses witchcraft to treat an abused…
May 26, 2022
FictionThrillersThrillers - Featured

Here There Be Witches … and Demons

“A brisk, enjoyable supernatural tale of black magic and powerful spells.” —Kirkus Reviews “A suspenseful urban horror sequel with magic, devilry, and inspired surprises.” —Booklife —∞— Get ready for a suspenseful ride into a dark, sometimes gruesome tale in Ron Gabriel’s The Pawns (Gramercy Fiction), one that will keep readers…
Monique Snyman
May 13, 2022