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FictionFiction - Featured

Einstein? Time Travel? In One Man’s Attic, Eternal Questions and an Enticing Sci-Fi Adventure Unfold

Children are not shy about asking the tough, practically unanswerable questions of our existence, such as, "What happens after we die?" However, haunted by a fundamentally unanswerable question his eleven-year-old self asked, present-day quantum physicist Adam Reemi turns to four critical scientific and philosophical minds for answers, including none other…
Ann Lineberger
September 1, 2022

“Second Place” is a Captivating Narrative Unlike Anything Else

Rachel Cusk earned critical renown with her “Outline” series, three books that strip bare traditional narrative formats and train the spotlight on minor characters, eliding the narrator’s identity and making her a mere conduit. Cusk’s newest novel, Second Place (Farrar, Straus and Giroux), performs an about-face from this approach, sinking…
Jessica McEntee
May 7, 2021