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More, Please! Books that Need Sequels Immediately

There’s nothing like reading a wonderful book that keeps you up all night, fills you with warm fuzzies, or even makes you shed a tear or two. But when the story is finally over, you’re left with an empty feeling that just won’t go away. If you’re lucky, the author will…
Rachel Carter
October 14, 2016

Bathroom Bigotry and the Next Battle for Transgender Rights

If you want to know what some people think about transgender people, consider their comments about the bathroom. Right, the bathroom—bathroom use to be specific. Here are a couple of examples: From former Arkansas Governor, former Fox News talk show host and soon-to-be-former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee: “For those…
Joe Wenke
August 11, 2015

The Handsome Father paves the way for gay dads

When it comes to starting a family, it’s a brave new world for gay fathers. Brian Stephens and Andy Miller had always dreamed of becoming dads. However, when the time came for them to start a family they realized they had little information on where or how to begin. After…
Jane Eisner
June 10, 2014

A primer on gender identity and transgender children

Aidan Key is the founder and director of Gender Diversity Education and Support Services at Seattle Children’s Hospital. Joe Wenke is the author of THE HUMAN AGENDA: Conversations about Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. Aidan, Joe and transgender fashion model and activist Gisele Alicea will be at Seattle Town Hall on…
Joe Wenke
April 8, 2015

Wives Ellen Kushner and Delia Sherman on the greatest literary marriages

Traditionally the “Month of Brides,” June also blossoms forth with LGBTQ Pride celebrations worldwide. Just in case that’s not enough for you, June is also one of the most famous literary months, with June 16 being the Joycean holiday “Bloomsday”, June 19 being the “Juneteenth” of Toni Morison’s great novel, and June 23 being the date…
Peri Lyons
June 17, 2015