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John DeSimone


Take a Trip to 1968 via “The Road to Delano”

What the average American knows about the Delano Grape Strike would probably fit on the head of a pin. Most of us can quote a sentence or two from Martin Luther King Jr.’s impassioned “I’ve got a dream” speech. We can call up an image of Ghandi, clad in his…
Sherri Daley
March 6, 2020
Author Spotlight

John DeSimone on Delano and the Lessons of Cesar Chavez

How many people can recall the classic image after the 1968 Delano Grape Boycott of a weakened Cesar Chavez breaking a 25-day hunger strike seated next to Senator Robert Kennedy? Unfortunately, too few – history buffs or not. Yet Chavez’s fire and commitment had staggering repercussions, and John DeSimone’s The…
April 4, 2020
Author Discovery Zone

John DeSimone John DeSimone Historical Fiction Memoirist, editor and author of The Road to Delano, a historical novel set during the Delano grape strike in the late 1960s. John DeSimone is a novelist, memoirist and editor. He’s co-authored bestselling memoirs, including The Broken Circle: A Memoir of Escaping Afghanistan, and others.…
March 9, 2020