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Don’t be a junk food vegetarian

The last time I ate meat (intentionally—like most vegetarians I’ve had a few accidental meat ingestions) was a ballpark hot dog in the summer of 2002 at Fenway Park in Boston. We were there on vacation and after the baseball game, we drove out to Cape Cod for the rest…
Karen T. Smith
April 25, 2014

A Romantic Comedy as Sweet as Coconut Cake

Is it wrong to be 100 percent invested in a coconut cake? Like, to the point where you may have gasped—loudly—when the deliciously described, lovingly prepared thing met an untimely fate? Well, if loving cake is wrong, I don’t want to be right! Of course, Amy E. Reichert’s delightful debut…
Nicole Blades
June 20, 2019

Going Greener This Earth Day

This Earth Day feels different. I know I don’t need to list the challenges we’re facing  — whether political, financial, social, spiritual, or personal  — because it would be a lengthy article in and of itself. Certain obstacles jump into my mind instantly, and certain others, I’m sure, jump out…
Judy Moreno
April 22, 2021