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Book Recommendations

Happy Galentines Day - 2025FictionListicles

Book Recs Celebrating the Power of Female Friendships

I’m sure you’ve heard of Valentine’s Day, right?  February 14th. A day of hearts and flowers, chocolate and dinner reservations, romance and expressions of love. As a romance writer, I’m a sucker for any and all opportunities to celebrate romantic relationships. But I’m wondering if you’ve you heard of Galentine’s…
Priscilla Oliveras
February 13, 2025
6 Audiobooks for Bookworms and Bookstore LoversAudiobooksFictionListicles

6 Audiobooks for Bookworms and Bookstore Lovers

“In principle and reality, libraries are life-enhancing palaces of wonder.” ― Gail Honeyman, ELEANOR OLIPHANT IS COMPLETELY FINE There’s secrecy, seductiveness, and salvation in the world of books. If you are a listener who loves settings involving books, you're in for a treat. The following compilation of tantalizing titles revolves around…
Maya Fleischmann
December 5, 2023

20 Favorites From 2022 That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

“Where readers come to discover.” That’s BookTrib’s new tagline, effective with our redesigned website launching today. BookTrib’s editors have the privilege of helping readers discover hundreds of authors who hardly are household names, in many cases have just written their first books, and in all cases are worthy of your…
Jim Alkon
November 28, 2022