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Amanda Gale


5 Free Books for Fans of Romance

There's something romantic about the change in the season, which is causing us to reach for our favorite romance novels. For those with an e-reader who are looking to start a new romance novel, why not dig into the start of a romance series that will instantly have you addicted…
Maggie Meyers
November 13, 2017
FictionListiclesListicles - FeaturedThrillers

‘Tis the Season For Esoterics, Conjured in These 6 Magically Mysterious Books

When seasons change, there is a sense of magic in the air. November is the start of the traditional season of gratitude, fellowship, spirituality and hope. This month's women’s fiction storylines involve magic shops, fortune-telling, astrology, psychics, magical foods and mystical intrigue. With literary spells as enchanting as this, well,…