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Alice Hoffman


Heat Index: 5 Hot New Historical Novels You Must Read

There’s something about getting your hands on a novel that transports you to another time and place with just a turn of the page that warms the soul. Whether it’s St. Thomas in the early 1800s or 17th century Italy, diving into these historical time pieces is like entering an…
Beth Wasko
July 23, 2015

20 of the Best New York Times Notable Books

Every December, the New York Times releases their annual "Notable Books" list, which celebrates the year's greatest literary achievements. Studded with big names and remarkable first-time authors, it represents the cream-of-the-crop in literary talent, and serves as a touchstone for what—or whom—belongs in everyone's TBR piles. Earlier this month, the…
Early Bird Books
December 19, 2017