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Author Discovery Zone

Sue C. Dugan

Sue C. Dugan is a Michigander transplanted in Nevada. She has one foot in her Midwest roots and another in her adopted Western State. The two locals have served her well, and she has used them both in her work. She has two children, five grandchildren and two writing partners…
Cameron Kimball
March 22, 2023

J. S. Allen

J. S. Allen is a Naturist-Christian writer, linguist, and historian from Kansas City, Missouri. He is the author of the young adult series Sauragia and Knights of Aralia, as well as the Woodland Tales short story anthology for children, which he also illustrated. His work has also appeared in various…
Cameron Kimball
December 7, 2022

Stacey Rourke

Stacey Rourke is the award winning author of works that span genres, but possess the same flare for action and snarky humor. She lives in Florida with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant dogs. Stacey loves to travel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction, and considers herself blessed to…
Terry McKyton
November 12, 2022

Cassandra Finnerty

Cassandra is the author of action-adventure, fantasy and romance. She loves to create bold, untamed and endearing characters who struggle to overcome their flaws. Her fondness for western Ireland – with its rugged shores, hidden caves and wind-swept cliffs — inspired many settings in the Princess of Nature Series. Cassandra…
Terry McKyton
November 12, 2022

Susan McGrath

A native Californian, Susan grew up in western Malibu, riding her horse on the beach and in the hills, weaving stories and daydreaming.  Now, a lifetime later, she still rides in the Santa Monica Mountains—either on a horse or a motorcycle—enjoying flights of fancy along the way. During the intervening…
Cameron Kimball
November 12, 2022

S.J. Hartland

S.J. Hartland is an Australian journalist and foil fencer who has spent too many holidays wandering around obscure castles and is obsessed with anything medieval. She is originally from Townsville, north Queensland, lived in Sydney for many years and now calls the Darling Downs home. The 19th Bladesman, the first…
Terry McKyton
November 12, 2022

Edith Ryder

After six years abroad, Edith recently returned to her hometown of Sydney, Australia, where she lives with her husband and daughter. When not writing she loves swimming in the ocean and drinking Aperol spritzes on her balcony. She's a devoted reader of YA fantasy novels and is always on the…
Terry McKyton
November 12, 2022

Stella Atrium

Stella Atrium is a cynical septuagenarian. She has spent a lifetime exploring female characters for real-world reactions to obstacles. Often pushed into submissive and non-verbal roles, women really live in a world of networking among aunties, cousins, wives of husbands, convenient friends and neighbors. This rich world is largely unexplored. …
Terry McKyton
November 12, 2022